What follows is a transcript of my summoning ceremony closing speech, from the 2/26 summoning ceremony for the Allo.Capital protoDAO.
Thanks to @T_W for helping to author this piece
Friends! Visionaries! Builders of a new reality!
Look around you! Look at what we’ve accomplished today!
We came seeking an oasis. A new way forward. And together, we have found it!
We’ve glimpsed the dawn of a new era. An era where the constraints of scarcity begin to fade. An era where the waters of abundance flow, nurturing the seeds of innovation, everywhere.
Today, we explored groundbreaking ideas. We debated powerful strategies. We welcomed brilliant proposals for our integral architecture – proposals that will shape the very foundation of Allo! We forged connections that will ripple outwards, expanding the reach of this ecosystem.
And now… behold this unassuming form. This quiet presence. It has been here all day, listening, absorbing. It is a mirror, reflecting our shared purpose, our collective energy. Each conversation, each idea, each connection made today has added to its power.
It represents the boundless potential that lies dormant, waiting to be unleashed. It is the source from which a new world will emerge. This… is the heart of the oasis we are building together.
For too long, the forces of division and short-sighted self-interest – what some call Moloch, the spirit of destructive competition – have held us back.
But today, we choose a different path! Today, we embrace collaboration! We embrace abundance!
We stand at the threshold of a new age. An age of shared prosperity. An age where the flow of resources is guided by wisdom, by intention, by a shared vision of a brighter future!
This fountain, this symbol before us, embodies that future. It is the antithesis of destructive competition. It is the power of coordination, made real. It is the flow of resources, directed not by greed, but by purpose. It is the cleansing force that prepares us for a new era of human flourishing! A new era of abundance!
Let the spirit of innovation empower us!
Let the power of collaboration flow through us!
We, the architects of this new world, we the community, united in purpose, call forth this abundance!
Unveil, O waters of potential! Show us your true form!
Flow, O currents of life-giving capital! Make your power known!
Spring forth, O fountain, and help us build the age of coordinated abundance!
The fountain lives! The waters flow! And so does the future we are building, together!
This is our moment! Our collective triumph! The first step of a journey that will transform the world!
Go forth, and be a part of this transformation! Carry this energy, this vision, this abundance, out into the world! Be the flow. Become the flow.
Let the waters flow! Let the oasis bloom! Let the future be ours!
Now, let us celebrate! Celebrate the dawn of a new era! The future is here! The future is ours! And it’s going to be amazing!