This is NOT a governance forum

instead of having a gov forum (gov dot allo dot capial)… im thinking we have … the only governance topics we will talk about is how to fund what matters bettter faster chaper

so this is a home of

  1. resaearch reports
  2. rfps
  3. pilot announcments
  4. pilot results

I dont want any lame ass long post governance bullshit… all i want is better faster cheaper capital allocation. everything should be tuned towards that

while telegram/discord/etc might be useful for short form messaging, this site can be a home for more purposefuli, thought out communication. it can be a place where ideas persist. our equivilent of ethreearch


Here’s to the purposeful. To better faster cheaper. To coordination.

"“If you want to change the future, start living as if you’re already there.” - Lynn Conway