Proof of Flow - Token Staking Game
- Staking Game for Funding Infra: Token holders stake on projects (e.g., retro funding, quadratic funding) to signal collective intelligence and earn rewards.
- Rewards & Incentives: Stakers earn inflationary token rewards + fee revenue; projects receive staking support; badgeholders distribute rewards.
- Simple MVP, Expandable Design: Uses pre-audited staking contracts, launches on Mainnet, integrates with Carl’s Simple Grants tool, with future expansions like trend tracking, AI insights, and multi-token staking.
- Lock up tokens
- Allowing the community to signal what they care about, creating a collective intelligence about what the community cares about. Which will support the path to a 10x return for Allo…
Allow holders to stake tokens on projects (e.g., retro funding, quadratic funding, deep funding, etc).
Why would people want to stake tokens?
- The UI in the token drop flow will heavily encourage it.
- They get rewards based on staking outcomes. Two types of rewards:
& - Inflationary token rewards
- Distribution of fee revenue from staked projects.
- token holder - browse projects, can stake token on them in cart checkout style experience. Gets rewards for doing so.
- Project maintainer - can register their project with the system to get token Rewards
- Badgeholder - Someone elected by Rena/Kevin to reward projects every epoch.
token holder
- Browse projects.
- [Independent] Add project to cart, checkout. Checkout = stake
- [In receive flow] Stake on project upon completion of airdrop flow.
- View Rewards
- Unstake
- Create Project
- View Project
- View Project staking status
- Solicit stakers
Simplest possible build
- Create rewards (x tokens)
- Execute Rewards round (distribute it across projects that have most stake)
Adding more complexity on top of it
- Time-Weighting
- Filtering
- Adding + Assigning badgeholders.
- Multi-token (ETH rewards in addition to token rewards)
- Push vs pull tradeoffs
& - Push = simpler for user, but gas-heavy for admin
- Pull = how does user know about it? Notifications via email or similar when $$ is available?
General Public
View Leaderboard
View Rewards
- Recommended to use Tally Staking contracts as they are pre-audited and secure. GitHub - withtally/staker
- Launch on Mainnet. With plans to bridge to L2s later.
- Built on top of Carls Simple Grants tool.
- Need to decide how to make the data model queryable. Indexer v2?
Explain the above why/what/how(mechanism) in a landing page + video.
- For Network: Search for best funding infra builders
- For You: earn yield by scouting
- Staking Game - you get to stake on valuable new/upcoming funding infra.
- In return you get upside in each project you bet on.
- Find/Submit/Stake on projects.
- Earn airdrops when they take off.
- Maybe could 1000x who knows.
Eventually - stuff that might go in a v2
Daily Quests for people to do
Delegate your token scouting to someone else
1. Or perhaps replacing voting delegations altogether with scout game delegations -
Integration into, to get trend data about which mechanisms are hot.
Integration into, to get opinions on builds from AI swarms
More impact-metrics-based voting.
Email notifications
Social cards for twitter
Quests/RFPs - we can tell people what they should be building.
NFT Rewards for the best scouts
Support projects in their token launch straight fomr scout game.
- q/acc competitor
- Or expoert to q/acc.
- I just think its important that allo stakers get rewarded first.
Do we want to enable USDC/DAI/ETH steaking on each project? Or bringing in other tokens?
locked Allo bonus curve