Allo DAO Design Competition Index

DAO Design Submissions Overview

  1. Ideal DAO
  2. Intelligence-Driven Capital and Resource Allocation
  3. A Novel Governance Model for the **$**MΛĐ𝕏 Meme Coin and ‘’MΛĐforge Layer2’’
  4. Autonomous Funding
  5. Allo.Pool.Net: Decentralized pooling and exchange for community-driven liquidity
  6. G.S. Allo DAO Design
  7. A Cooperative Democracy Framework for Allo.Capital DAO
  8. Allo - The Decentralized Market Network
  9. Futarchy: Let the Markets Decide
  10. Promptheus: AI-Driven Capital Allocation
  11. Money-go-round: The Continuous Capital Carousel
  12. DAO Design Contest: Prediction-Markets based DAO governance
  13. DAO Governance Design
  14. DAO Structure Proposal (Governance, Economics, Incentive Mechanisms, AI)
  15. 2-Token Model: Building a Community Battery + Microprocessor
  16. DAO Design Strawman
  17. Fo-Fu-Fi (Form, Function, Finance)
  18. THE INFINITE FOUNTAIN - AlloDAO’s Sovereign Wealth Fund
  19. Grant Ships: The Evolutionary DAO Game
  20. Allo as Pluriversal Castles, Action-Oriented Raids, AI-Augmented Liquid Intelligence
  21. Behavioral Sybil Resistance: Better governance through Sybil resistance
  22. Combat Voting: Better governance through combat
  23. Value Flow Compass: Grounding the Proposed with the Practical
  24. GAIA (Governance for Artificial & Intelligence Augmented) Capital Allocation
  25. A concise design for the Allo DAO and its 5 stages of growth seedling
  26. A Pluralistic Model for Credit Where Credit’s Due

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